Wednesday, August 19, 2009

DIY Decorating

The Cleveland Exeuctive Fellows' next challenge in preparing for the Electric Roller DiscoTech is to make a cavernous warehouse into a disco fabulous venue. I solicited advice from artist Alexandra Underhill to help us get started.

She showed us photos of some projects she created reusing objects normally bound for the landfill or the recycling bin: Defunct CDs and DVDs, plastic bottles, plastic bags, bubble wrap, plastic construction fencing and zip ties. Alexandra was generous with her time, advice and her basement full of materials. We left Alexandra's house with a Corolla full of supplies to get us started, including an old army parachute, lots of plastic sheeting, old sheets, light sticks and other materials.


We'll be at the Leff Electric Warehouse tomorrow to begin the daunting task of lighting and decorating two rooms and a hallway.

Does anyone have a disco ball or some twinkle lights we could borrow?

Monday, August 17, 2009

Behind the Scenes: Electric Roller DiscoTech

The Cleveland Executive Fellows have spent the past couple of weeks working unglamorously on the Electric Roller DiscoTech. Armed with advice from Pop Up City's Terry Schwartz and crew, we set about setting up.

The behind the scenes action included getting estimates for portable toilets, water stations and security; booking a DJ and finding food vendors. We had to look critically at our budget and refine our event to make sure it will be a good fit.

I am pleased that Santina Protopapa, director of the Progressive Arts Alliance will be spinning some vinyl. There will be food to purchase from Hooper Farm and Plant Kingdom Bakery.

David Jurca and Gauri Torgalkar of the Kent State University Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative created a great post card that will be hot off the presses tomorrow. In the meantime, we've been promoting this event online through email, social media and event listings. Jeff Schuler is creating a website and event details will be listed there soon.


Today the Fellows spent all day sweeping, vacuuming and ventilating the warehouse space. With some help from the Leff Electric manager and the maintenance man, we managed to get electricity working on half of the 2nd and 3rd floors. Logistically this will make our event so much easier because we won't have to rent, fuel and supervise generators.

Roller Rink After

Tunnel of Possibilities

The Cleveland Museum of Art's recent party featured red pool noodles in a public art display. Chuck at All Go Signs saved them from the landfill and he is letting us use them for our event. They'll become benches in the Roller Rink Room.

Noodle Piles

We started removing winterizing plastic from the windows today because ventilation is crucial to a skating party and the views from Leff are phenomenal.


Skylinke View

Next steps include more cleaning, decorating and lighting.
